Images tagged "remove-lawn"

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  1. […] 3. Mulch, mulch, mulch.  Oh, and did I say mulch? Yes, this makes a huge difference in the evaporation rate of water through the soil surface. There are many kinds of mulch. Read about them here. […]

  2. […] 2. Create paths and walkways through your garden. DO NOT WALK ON YOUR BEDS! I mean it. The fastest way to ruin your soil is to walk on it and compress it. You remove the air pockets and prevent air and water percolation. Try it. Step on the ground and water it. It will puddle and then most of the water will evaporate. Trust me on this. […]

  3. […] I have had great success with herbs, carrots, lettuce, and peppers in containers. You can use self-watering containers that let you go away for weeks at a time without worrying about your plants drying […]

  4. […] or retain water very well. This is a very underrated activity for water conservation. Building raised beds with wood or stone and then filling them with organic topsoil is one way to do this. Another way is […]

  5. […] lemon verbena, mint, oregano, chives, parsley, thyme, lavender, tarragon, rosemary, and cilantro. Discover More! When mixed and matched, or grown in individual bundles, herbs can actually appear quit attractive, […]

  6. […] Edible Landscaping Made Easy:… […]

  7. Are the pineapple guava trees/bushes ok for dogs? If they eat the fruit , if fallen, will they hurt the pets?
    Britt Bauguss

    • No harm to the pets. I haven’t found that any of our pets are even interested in eating the fallen fruit. On the other hand, our kids LOVE pineapple guavas. I guess that’s the good news.

  8. Question… I have had P. Guavas at my last three houses… Was told I needed a ‘grafted’ tree, so each time I ordered one. After a few years, I got fruits the size of avocados (due to the fact that I thinned the fruits on the branches, I think).
    This year, in a new city, I wanted to order a grafted tree and the guy at Navlet’s acted like I was crazy and wanted to know what varieties I wanted, but said he did not think he could get it. I know Jeijoa sellowiana, but no idea what species I want for the graft. Do I really need a grafted plant?

  9. […] you live. In warm weather areas it’s definitely time to start the garden work – from sowing seeds, getting beds ready, fertilizing your flowers and generally getting involved in the excitement of […]

  10. […] wisteria is blooming, the pear, cherry and apple trees are bursting with bloom. The strawberries and blueberries are putting out blossoms like […]

  11. […] warm weather areas it’s definitely time to start the garden work – from sowing seeds, getting beds ready, fertilizing your flowers and generally getting involved in the excitement of coming out of […]

  12. Just planted to small Pineapple Guava’s here in Las Vegas on the West getting Morning sun. How much watering and what do you suggest for fertilizing?

    • Hi Christine, an East facing side is good for pineapple guava in a hot climate. Morning sun is the best. Give it regular water so that the soil stays moist while it’s getting established. Compost is the best fertilizer for pineapple guava. It does not need a high nitrogen fertilizer. If the leaves start to turn yellow that might be a sign it needs more nitrogen.
      Be sure to subscribe to the blog, Christine, so that you get regular garden updates.
      Thanks for visiting my site, hope this helps.

  13. I going to plant Pineapple Guava in my backyard, but the soil is somewhat poor – the landscape was completely change during the house building and what I have is the some kind or brownish substance (not original topsoil) that was on the top of sandstone.
    Now is the question – should I try to replace the the soil for the tree or it would be good enough to mix some good nutrients into the existing soil?
    Why aged horse manure is not desirable for this plant? Does it have to be only compost?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Andrey, First of all, thank you for buying my book. I hope you find it helpful.

      As to your soil. Check the hole to make sure you have good drainage. You do this by digging a hole and then fillling it with water. It should drain overnight. If not, then your plant will drown when it rains. Once you check the drainage, it is usually better to mix new soil and compost with the existing soil. Don’t just put in new soil. Aged horse manure is probably fine. As long as it has composted for awhile and is not fresh.
      Pineapple guavas like average soil, not too rich. Which is why they are good in so many places.
      Good luck with your garden.



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  16. New to Guava’s… Just planted 7 and one in a pot in Panama City Beach Florida. I planted them 100 yards from the beach.. But it has a decent size Dune to protect it from some salt air but I am worried… Other citrus have done OK here..

    • Hi Mike,

      Make sure they get enough water and nutrients. sandy soil doesn’t hold a lot of moisture or food for the plants. Compost is always good for the plants and for the soil. good luck. Avis

  17. This is a fun reminder to try and have in our gardens – am thinking of how – to in my own! thanks Avis

  18. […] We take our lessons on mulching from mother nature.  Falling leaves, twigs, needles, flowers and fruit fall to the ground, covering the soil.  They decompose, adding nutrient back into the earth. They also protect the soil from sun, wind and hard rains to keep the soil from eroding, blowing away and becoming compacted. In our desire to be “neat” we often rake up leaves and put them in the garbage in a misguided effort to keep the garden looking tidy. If you want to enjoy a very funny story on lawns and raking leaves, check this out: A Story About Lawns and God. […]

  19. Avis, would you/could you please discuss types of mulch. Many thanks.
    I love all that you write about.

  20. I have two of these in my garden. They seem to be pretty slow growers but I also think I may have them in a bit too much sun for my south Georgia Garden. I have yet to see any fruit although I did have a few flowers for the first time last year. I have heard we don’t have it’s natural pollinator down here in GA?? Not sure where you are located but have you heard anything about that? Not sure what pollinates it but I suppose I could try doing it by hand.

    • Hi Katie, You don’t mention how old your plants are, but they can take a few years to set many fruits. Many insects and bees pollinate Pineapple Guava. To get more fruit, you can definitely pollinate by hand. Take a soft painting brush, like a water color brush and simply brush the pollen from different fruits onto each other. That’s all it takes. Check your soil moisture, to make sure it’s not sitting in water, as in bad drainage. They like good drainage and moderate amounts of water. Can’t say whether it’s too hot. It’s better not to have them up against the south wall of the house where they get a lot of hot reflected heat. Hope that helps. Good luck.


  21. Sounds like you might be heading toward the same hot, dry summer we just had here in Melbourne. I wish I had been more prepared! If you haven’t had any rain for a while and the water doesn’t easily penetrate the soil, you might like to consider adding a liquid soil wetting agent. Just mix it with water in a watering can and water around the base of each plant. This allows the water to penetrate to the sub-structure of the soil and makes for much more efficient watering.

    • Hi Annette, Thanks for pointing out the usefulness of wetting agents. I will soon put up a post about how to use them. Great suggestion. It’s still amazing to me that folks as far away as you in Australia can find my blog. Don’t you love the internet?

  22. I really appreciate your simple, informative, lovely, and environmentally sound gardening tips.

  23. […] If you live in a moderate climate, it’s time to start thinking about sowing your seeds for  broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy and the other brassicas. I wrote about seed starting in this post: Starting Seeds in your Edible Landscape. […]

  24. I got chipped tree trimmings from the local utility crew. They break down slowly, but if mixed with dirt and kept moist, they are soon covered with white mold and become soft. I also add kitchen waste incuding egg shells which I chop fine with a knife. In summer I add yard clippings and in fall, fallen leaves. Every few days I turn the outside with a spading fork.

    It’s unbelievable how the worms have multiplied in here. It’s like worm metropolis.

    When it’s pretty well broken down I’ll take about half for the garden, and mix in more raw materials to start the cycle again.
    -Chris in Sacramento

  25. […] Here’s a post I wrote on how to make a simple, safe and sturdy path. The Well Made Path. […]

  26. […] to do. Physical barriers, like netting, row coversand fencing are helpful in some areas. But it can be a lot of work to put them up.  I found this […]

  27. […] This really couldn’t be simpler. The food is easy to store and keeps its nutritive value. Check out these recipes in my blog for the best applesauce and apple crisp. […]

  28. […] recently wrote about fruits that you can grow in small yards. At the top of the list was strawberries. Here are some easy tips to get the best fruit from your […]

  29. […] I talked about seed starting medium and today I want to talk about light and […]

  30. […] kind of soil you  have, be sure to loosen it and add compost. By aerating your soil and adding humus you will increase oxygen, nutrients and drainage, which […]

  31. […] nitrogen fixing plants is one of the best ways to restore it in the soil.  But this takes time.  Compost and manures, which are also excellent for the plants, have relatively small amounts of […]

  32. […] plants. Meaning, if you have a small front yard, use dwarf or semi dwarf trees, or small shrubs. Fruit trees, blueberries, currants, strawberries mixed with flowering shrubs all make wonderful front yard […]

  33. […] other posts I’ve written about seeds; where to get them, and how to sow them. Now that they’ve turned into sturdy little seedlings, I’ll show you how to plant […]

  34. […] Consider growing your herbs in pots near the kitchen where they are easy to […]

  35. […] Compost is excellent for most plants.  It can be bought or you can use your own.  I found it difficult to make enough of my own compost to cover all my garden.  So I used it on the most important plants – my vegetables and strawberries. Be aware that compost can have weed seed. There are many sources for good looking, safe compost. (Contact your local soil and amendment supply store.) […]

  36. […] areas that you won’t be putting in food crops, be sure to cover the ground with cover crops to enhance fertility and protect the soil.  Use fava beans, bell beans, vetch, clover and […]

  37. […] Given plenty of water, the blueberries are growing large and plump and we will harvest them over a long period of time. One of the best shrubs for the edible landscape. Read more on blueberries in this post. […]

  38. […] Sheet mulching is an excellent method to turn water hungry lawn into efficient, beautiful and water conserving plantings.  Please read my description of sheet mulching here. […]

  39. Even here in the northwest corner of Washington State, our snowpack is currently only 27% of normal. This does not bode well for our dry season from July through September, and last year the dry season was especially long. All of the city water is surface water, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed that our usual rains will still set in, and the snow pack in the Olympics will increase. As climate change causes more extreme weather situations, farmers in the Central Valley of California will not be able to grow the quantities of produce that come from the area. I imagine that home vegetable gardens and local agriculture will become more and more important. Thanks for addressing this issue.

    • Hi Carol, You’re right, it will be more important than ever for people to grow their own food. It is so much more efficient, both in energy and water costs. I’ll continue to address this issue in many posts. Thanks for your comment.

  40. So true, I saw on BBC Two the ‘Great British Garden Revival’ where a bloke was planting up a lawn area with no grass (it looked beautiful) and was using plants like: Silene acaulis, Trifolium Harlequin, Harebaell, Arenaria caespitosa aurea, Acaena microphylla Copper Carpet, Antennaria rosea, Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi Old Gold, Asperula lilaciflora caespitosa, Campanula Resholt’s Variety, Cotula hispida, Maiden Pink, Erodium x variabile Roseum, Frankenia thymifolia, Geranium sanguineum var. striatum, Gypsophila repens Dubia, etc.
    I could go on, but the list looks rather intimidating. It’s good to see a revival in fragrances, textures and form.

  41. […] The best way to get excellent roots is to have loose, friable soil with plenty of humus and organic matter. By working the soil with a fork or rototiller and incorporating compost and/or manure you create the conditions for the soil to be like a sponge that holds and then releases water. Read more about compost here. […]

  42. Oh, my gosh this is so funny! and so true! I never realized how stupid it appears to pay to grow grass, then pay to take it away!

  43. […] sure to read more about container planting in this post.  Sign up for an email subscription to this blog so you won’t miss a […]

  44. The story of God and St. Francis kinda makes you think!!!

  45. I think that about sums up the stupidity of humans! Thank you for posting this story.

  46. What a wonderful idea! Perfect for gardening in North Florida with its very changeable weather (70 degrees one day and hard freezes the following evening).

  47. I was jut wondering this morning as I was reading the Master Gardner article in the IJ . . . when are they going to talk about the drought???! Yeah for Avis! Great suggestions!

  48. Thanks for the ideas, but mostly thanks for looking after the environment.

  49. Thanks for the idea. I’m adding dry leaves to my soggy mulch and will compost this weekend.

  50. […] the soil and not run off.  There are many kinds of mulch for different conditions.  Please read this post to find out more about which mulch is the right one for your […]

  51. […] forget to check out my ebook: The Spring Garden Made Easy. It’s only $4.99 and gives a mountain of […]

  52. Lynette asked me this question: How tall and how wide does this shrub grow? I have a small garden and don\’t want something too big. Thanks Lynette

    • Hi Lynette,

      It’s a good question and I’ll add it to the post as well. Pineapple guavas can grow to 20 ft tall and 15 ft wide. BUT, I haven’t actually seen one that big. Depending on the conditions, they can stay at 10 ft tall by 8 ft wide. What does work to keep them smaller, is either putting them in a large container, which keeps them dwarf, or to prune them back in the late Spring or early summer, heavily. They take heavy pruning without any deleterious effects.

      Thanks for the question. Hope this helps.


  53. […] Pineapple guavas are one of the most beautiful, easy to grow, edible shrubs. They grow in many climates.  […]

  54. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, now an ebook, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden. It is a wonderful read filled […]

  55. Do they need one or two trees in order to get fruits? I have 2 trees same type in my back yards. thanks

    • Hi Lisa, one bush is enough to get fruit. Pineapple guavas are 100 % self fruitful, but some give more fruit than others. You can increase the yield by hand pollinating them. Which is a different post. I’ll write one soonn, avis

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  57. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden  a wonderful read filled with valuable gems for […]

  58. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden  a wonderful read filled with valuable gems for […]

  59. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden  a wonderful read filled with valuable gems for […]

  60. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden  a wonderful read filled with valuable gems for […]

  61. Hi Avis – Wonderful post and we will share this with others! Great ideas and tips in your article and wonderful pictures too. We encourage our clients to try out edible gardens for their green spaces.

  62. Publicity to rust junk and stains could very well be as drawing
    attention as having a huge messy house. Improve some bulb garden compost or bone amount of
    food for a amazing show next springs.

  63. […] Raspberries are easy to grow and I feel rich when we eat them. They’re expensive to buy, and cheap to grow! Watch out though, they like to spread themselves around the garden. Read about them in this post: […]

  64. i need a answer about these plants i bought 2 from a nursery here in az they say they do well in the heat but the guy tells me to water every other day about 8 gallons but my leaves some green some brown falling off some dry some are moist dont want them to die

    • Hi Matt, It’s possible that you may have put your plant in too sunny a spot. In Arizona it would be best to put them on the East side of the house, where they get morning sun and afternoon shade. Also, be sure to water them at the base of the plant whee the roots are, not on the leaves, where they will get burnt. Also, if you water the soil nearby, but not the roots of a newly planted shrub, they won’t get enough water. Hope that helps.


  65. […] How to Thin Young Fruit on your Apple Tree […]

  66. This is really a helpful article, as I would like to grow carrots but haven’t had much luck with them. Where I live in Washington State, we also have the carrot rust fly. Do you have that problem? If so, what do you do to protect the carrots? That has been the biggest problem for me. Also, what size smart pot would you recommend for growing carrots? Thanks!

    • Hi Carol, That’s a really good question. The carrot rust fly is attracted to the smell of the carrot or other host plants like celery and parsley. In Washington you could sow seeds in late summer or late winter to avoid the rust fly. Also, since you’ll be sowing in containers you could easily cover the containers with row cover, a light material that allows in light and keeps out the fly which lays the eggs of the maggots that eat your carrots. I bet you’ll have much better success in pots than in the ground.
      The smallest size pot I recommend would be the 3 gallon. 5 gallon would be ideal. If you buy them through my site you’ll get a discount. I recommend putting a plate underneath to catch the water. If they are in a very sunny place you need to make sure they don’t dry out too fast. Sometimes I put a cloth or board in front of the pot to keep it from getting too hot in the summer.
      Let me know how it goes. Good luck, Avis

  67. […] To find out more about growing strawberries read this post. […]

  68. […] To find out more about growing in containers read my post on self watering planters. […]

  69. I’d love to do a trade some fig cuttings with you if you are interested .I have about 30 varieties of fig trees I can take cuttings from and I also have a large collection of tomato seeds and other garden seeds I can share with you in return. my email is if you want to talk more, thanks and I look forward to hearing back from you.

  70. On your self-watering- pots webpage, you show a self-watering pot which has a cage. I have not seen that brand / model before. Can you advise to me name of manufacturer.


    • Hi Mike, The containers with the cages come from The Gardener’s Supply catalog. They have a lot of great tools and supplies.

  71. […] To read more about designing your edible landscape, read this post.  […]

  72. Even though we are in Zone 9, I am concerned about our hotand humid summers. Would a pineapple guava tree/shrub do well with afternoon sun in Charleston, SC?

    • Maria,

      Pineapple guavas are native to Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. They do well in high heat, but need 50 hours of winter chill. I think they will do fine in your climate in the afternoon sun. They may not set as much fruit as in a more northernly zone, but should do bear fruit.

      Have you seen any in your neighborhood? That often tells the tale. Sometimes an unusual shrub is not seen until some else, like yourself plants it with success.

      Let me know how it goes. I’d certainly give it a try.


    • I live in Yuba City, CA. It’s in the Sacramento Valley and gets over 100 degrees and very humid in the summer. I have 2 of these in my front yard. They have not been pruned, hence they are 15 ft. trees. We moved to this house about 18 months ago and I’ve been trying to figure out what the heck these were and finally discovered the answer today. Now that I know the fruit is edible, I’m really excited to try the fruit and perhaps make something yummy. Our lemon tree provides a lot of limoncello and lemon curd, so now it’s on to pineapple guava.

    • I live in Charleston also and have about 10 of these bushes next to the house and they are doing great! I actually just found out what they were 🙂 We get buckets of fruit in the fall and the birds eat a lot of the petal too…

  73. Wondering what I should plant this late in the season in southern california. I want edible garden type plants

    • Hi Kate,

      When you say edible garden type plants, do you mean your vegetable garden or more of landscape/edible type plants? For your vegetable garden you can still plant green beans, summer squash, winter squash, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, and herbs, like basil, rosemary, thyme, lavender, chives, parsley.

      When you go to a local nursery, they are usually carrying plants that are still appropriate for your area.

      For edible landscape shrubs you can’t do better than dwarf lemon, lime, and other citrus. Pineapple guava is a wonderful ornamental shrub that produces a delicious fruit in the fall. Another great little shrub is the Chilean guava. To find out more about Pineapple guava read my post

      I hope this helps.


    • Hi Kate,

      If you’re asking about your vegetable garden, you can still plant warm weather crops like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, zuchinni, and winter squash. Herbs are wonderful also. Basil, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, lavender will all grow well in your climate. Use the search bar in my blog and you can find lots of information on my site about all these plants.

      If you’re looking for some ornamental shrubs that produce edibles, look no further than dwarf lemon, lime, mandarin orange and other citrus. Pineapple guava and strawberry guava are beautiful shrubs that produce delicious fruit.

      Hope this helps.


  74. So Avis, I have this basil plant I bought at Trader Joes. It was a great bargin and I’ve been using it for cooking for months now. It is on a window sill facing North, if that makes a difference. It now has millions of little white spots under the leaves which, if I shake the plant, take off in a cloud of little white flying bugs. Do I need to replace the plant? Or is it salvageable? I forget to water it regularly and it wilts, but a little water brings it back. I usually kill plants, but I’ve tried extra hard to keep this one alive because it is so expensive to buy fresh basil leaves and only use a few in a meal. Any suggestions?

    “After all, what is adventure, but inconvenience properly regarded?”
    C. Donahue

    • Hi Dave,

      Despite your ability to kill houseplants, you’ve obviously done something right to keep them alive so long. Don’t give up now. You’ve got white fly on your basil. It’s harder to keep plants healthy inside the house where there are no predators. Since you’ve gotten your money’s worth on this plant, I suggest you move it into the garden and let it toughen up in the real world.

      There are ways to treat whitefly. The whitefly is a tiny winged insect that gather in groups, usually under the leaves of plants, and suck plant leaves until they turn yellow and fall off. They also transmit plant disease. If you brush up against your plant and see a small cloud of white flies move away then this is your problem.

      You can use Safer Sticky Stakes insect traps or spray them with an organic insecticidal soap, like Safer Soap. These are lethal to the insects, but harmless to everyone else.

      It might be time for a new basil plant. Give it plenty of light and if possible, try to remember to water it before it wilts. That keeps it a little stronger and less prone to insect infestation.

      It’s great you’re using fresh herbs.

      Thanks for your question.


  75. Hi Avis,
    I have 1 blueberry bush. Does it need to have a companion to produce blueberries? According to a friend you need more than 1 bush in your garden to produce the berries. Thank You!

  76. What do you recommend for peach leaf curl? I’ve picked off all the diseased leaves but is there a safe spray I could use to prevent further infestation?

    • Hi Cia,

      That’s a really good question. Everyone wants to know the answer to that one.

      The fungus responsible for peach leaf curl causes emerging new leaves to thicken and pucker. Infected foliage may be tinged red, pink, yellow, or white and usually occurs midsummer. Severely infected trees are weakened and may stop producing. To control the disease get rid of diseased plant parts to keep fungus from reinfecting the tree the next year. So taking the leaves off is good practice. Don’t put them in your compost and don’t let them fall to the ground under the tree.

      Also you can apply fixed copper or lime sulfur dormant sprays once after autumn leaf drop and again just as buds begin to swell but before they open. Go to your local nursery and ask them for dormant oil spray.

      Hope that helps.


  77. Hello,
    Do you know where to find a new type of row cover? It is a woven type that has fibers arranged together in a mesh-like fashion. Evidently, it is much stronger and will last from year to year. This appeals to me, as the standard cover doesn\’t hold up well. I live in the PNW, but would order online. My climate is pretty temperate, as we are surrounded by water on three sides here in WA state on the Quimper Peninsula. But we do have a lot of cool, gray weather during the summer months.

  78. Hi! Loving this Q & A and your site!

    When is the best time to plant a bunch of wildflower seeds. I am up Zone 1. Is it too late?
    Is fall better anyway?


    • HI Di,

      Great question. Wildflowers in nature drop their seed at the end of summer and stay in the ground all winter. They come up in late spring in your zone, while the soil is still moist but warmed up after the snow has melted. To mimic nature you can sow in spring, but will need to water your seeds in case there is no rain. We’ve been a little short on rain this year. To keep them blooming longer you might want to give them a little water now and then.

      It also helps to choose wildflowers native to your area. What catalogs sell as wildflowers are usually from somewhere else and they have different cultural requirements. Check out Peaceful Valley Farm Supply at for wonderful collections of California wildflowers.

      To mimic nature you would sow in the Fall, but…nature makes millions of seeds, most of which don’t germinate. In a cold climate with snow, it is easier to control germination by sowing in late spring and water the ground. It’s cheating a little, but works.

      Good luck and happy growing.


  79. I sowed my vegetable seeds in pots and they didn\’t grow. What did I do wrong?


    • Hi Galen,

      Thanks for your question. Sowing seeds can be a little tricky. When you get the seed packet be sure to read the directions and notice what season your plants will grow in, how deep to sow the seed and how long they take to germinate. Your problem could have been any of the following: seed was old and not viable, your seed dried out, it was either too hot or too cold for the seed to germinate or you have to give it a little more time. There’s no simple answer to your question, but try the following suggestions.

      Generally the smaller the seed the less they need to be covered. A big seed like pea or bean can go 1/2 inch to 1″ under the soil. A lettuce seed just needs 1/8 inch of soil covering. Then be sure to keep the surface moist. But not so wet that green algae grows on the surface.

      Once the seeds germinate they will need plenty of light. Be sure to read my post on getting seedlings started for more information.

      Good luck and let me know if this helped.


  80. Terrific. My thanks for writing that. I’ll definitely come to this site to read more and inform my neighbors about this.

  81. […] You can find out more about extending your season in this article on row covers. […]

  82. […] beans and squash to make room for the cool weather crops.  They were making wonderful piles of compost.  Layering greens, dry material, manure and water. Nothing goes to waste in the garden.  We may […]

  83. […] The pineapple guava plant blooms in a burst of protruding red-yellow stamens and pink-white petals. Also known as Feijoa sellowina, the plant produces tangy green guava fruits that ripen in autumn, according to Edible Landscaping Made Easy. The fruit lends itself well for use in pies, pastries and tarts. […]

  84. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, now an ebook, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden. It is a wonderful read filled […]

  85. […] acclaimed new book, The Spring Garden Made Easy, now an ebook, covers all aspects of starting a vegetable garden. It is a wonderful read filled […]

  86. […] posts I wrote on catalog offerings and seeds choices. Be sure to order my e book : The Spring Garden Made Easy. It will help you get your garden going in Spring.  It’s only $4.99 and you can download it […]

  87. […] Plant to cover your soil. In vegetable gardens use cover crops in the winter where you don’t have vegetables growing. Once the plants are in you can barely […]

  88. […] People who live in urban areas or in apartments often think they can’t grow food. But using planters can be a fun and easy way to grow certain crops.  Containers have their challenges, particularly because of limited soil and need for careful watering and fertilizing.  On the up side, you can put them in small places, in the right light conditions and keep the bugs away. For more on container growing, read this post. […]

  89. […] in your email and you’ll receive a notice of my blogs the day I write them. Here’s one on growing tomatoes. Get your ingredients together to mix with olive oil, salt and a dash of sugar in a medium […]

  90. […] cover crops to protect the soil from erosion and add nutrients as well as humus to the soil.  Fava beans and bell beans can be sown even in cold, wet […]

  91. […] soil from erosion, hold moisture, protect roots from extreme weather and add nutrient. There are many types of mulch. Leaves, straw, wood chips, compost, and manure are some of the most common and easiest to use. As […]

  92. […] in those plants that  came out of your ground and you can put those nutrients back into the soil. Composting is an important part of garden […]

  93. […] the soil ready is an important part of growing healthy plants. In my book The Spring Garden Made Easy, I set forth a simple, straightforward guide to planting that you can use in any season. Check it […]

  94. […] Licht is a landscape gardener, educator, and author of the wonderful book, The Spring Garden Made Easy. Her passion is to create beautiful gardens that incorporate edibles that can be harvested year […]

  95. […] grow. You can loosen your soil by digging, rototilling or bringing in topsoil and adding it to a raised bed. 2. Check your soil for drainage. If you see standing water on the surface, or if you dig a hole and […]

  96. […] Also see this link for choosing blueberries to add to your/our edible landscape:… […]

  97. I received this comment in an email and wanted to share it.On 6/4/2012 1:54 PM, Marcia Patrice Ganeles wrote: “I love reading it. Loved the one on worms. Will get some soon. Very informative, nicely designed, inspirational!”

  98. Hello, I like your idea but have some questions if you can help. I am doing the same thing for a kitchen patio door. How does the top box stay in place? and what are the dementions of the bottom and top box? I counted 24 bricks for the top box, can you tell me how many you used for the bottom box. any information you can give me would be great. I am doing this project on my own and looking for all the help i can get. thanks Donna G. Naperville ILL.

  99. We burn scrap wood (pallets are great to start a fire) and have a lot of nails and other metal in our wood ash. A great way to sieve the ash is to use a plastic ‘carry out’ tray found at nurserys. The trays have different size holes, one with small holes is best I have found. Just dump your ash in the tray and shake over a wheelbarrow.

    • Allison, that’s a great idea. It will really catch the nails. On the other hand, a few nails in the soil may add some nutrient value.

  100. I think Avis’ idea of getting in the garden every day is very important – one that I do not follow. After I notice a big change I then realize that I am missing the subtleties . . . and my garden and Spring are one of my all time favorite things in the world! I am going to take Avis’ advice tomorrow morning!

  101. Just purchased your ebook. There is no link to download it???? How do I get it? Thanks!

    • I just figured out, that in Paypal, if you use your credit card alone without a Paypal account, it takes you to the invoice page. On that page is a link back to this website, where you can download the book. If you have a Paypal account it automatically takes you to the right page on this site to download the book. So sorry for the inconvenience. It’s a learning curve for all of us. Thank you for your purchase.

  102. Are all these flowers in your garden? They are lovely. Those hounds tongue – are they very tiny, ground hugging plants? I have similar ones in my garden but they are as I described.

    • Hi, Nice to hear from you. The hounds tongue is in my garden, but it planted itself. Other plants, like the manzanita and pink flowering currant I planted. The hounds tongue is about 2 ft tall. It has a flower like the forget me not, but is not related. I also planted the columbine. I collected seed from the wild and sowed it directly into the soil. Hope that helps.

  103. Hi! I want to purchase your ebook. When I click on the purchase now button it only goes to paypal and I don’t want to use paypal. Is there another choice?


  104. How would I go about filling in low spots where water pools AND sheet mulching?

    • Clara, It depends how deep the low spots are. Often, digging a shallow, narrow trench and directing it downhill away from the low area will keep the water moving. You can also fill in areas with mulch quite deeply and it will continue to sheet mulch. Let me know if this helps or you need more advice. You can send me a photo if you want.

  105. I live in Montevideo,Uruguay,South America and I will love to have an edible garden. I don´t know a thing about it but I am willing to learn.

    Thanks for yout attention
    Rocío, amdg

  106. […] new book out that I highly recommend for those who want to delve further into edible gardens called: Edible Landscapes Made Easy, check it […]

  107. Just came across your website. We live in a climate where the growing season is only 4 months & I am trying to extend it. I have a Bed & breakfast open late May to late late Septemeber. So I am getting into hydroponics as the planting to harvesting time-frame is reduced to 4 weeks. Have found an excellent system which uses 955 less water than soild based gardening & the power of a nightlight to run the pump & timer which spray water inside the unit for 3 minutes 4-5 times per hour. Do you have expertise in soil-less gardens please? thank you from an excited newbie!

    • You don’t say where you live, but there are some great books on extending the growing season in cold climate. Eliot Coleman has written about his farm called Four Season Farm in Maine. Anna Edey has a book called Solviva, about her farm on Martha’s Vineyard. Hydroponics requires a lot of energy input and you must always be feeding your plants, as water has no nutrient. I don’t have personal experience, but it’s not what I would recommend for healthy, organic food. There is a lot of interaction between the plants, their roots and the extensive life in the soil that creates beautiful food. Could you have a small greenhouse on your property? You will see in Solviva how she grew a lot of produce in a small space. Let me know where you live. Good luck.

  108. I have recently started a blog, the information you offer on this site has helped me greatly. Thanks for all of your time & work. “There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail.” by Erich Fromm.

  109. Oh boy [ and girls! ]very “cool” what a +++++ change ~ interesting text and great visuals!


  110. Too bad; we don’t have any coffee ground. But, I have lots of tea bags and I do compost them and put them in ground. I have heard that they are also very good for plants.

  111. thanks, Avis – I loved reading it, finding out about coffee grounds not being acidic, and looking at the daffodils. I will start drinking decaf on my early walkabout. Had to leave regular coffee a few years ago. Sorry about the cognitive decline. Happy birthday to both you and Bob. love and hugs, s

  112. […] love coffee grounds. You can safely put them into your worm bins. Enjoy a cup of coffee while walking around your garden in the morning : Uncategorized : […]

  113. Question – can you do sheet mulching on a hillside?

    I’m trying to convert a hillside covered in introduced grasses (interspersed with Vinca I’m hand removing) to native shrubs. Any tips?
    Thanks Avis!

    • Hi Laurie, Yes you can do sheet mulching on a hillside if it’s not too steep. You may have to Nail the cardboard into the hill. Use long nails or irrigation staples. Then cover the cardboard with some kind of mulch that won’t slide down the hill. Give it time and the worms will do the work.

  114. You trade digging for hauling manure around – but definitely worth it.

    • You’re right, I did trade hauling manure for digging. BUT – they skip loaded the manure into the truck at the ranch and then I used gravity to throw it down into the wheel barrow. I found that much easier than digging. Digging absolutely kills my back, even though I know how to use a spade and fork. What can I say, age has snuck up on me.

  115. you are putting out great info. Keep it up and don’t get discouraged.

  116. Nice article. Is it true that most vegetables like acidic soil?

    • HI, Sorry it took me so long to respond. I’m having computer issues! As to your question. It depends what you mean by acidic. Slightly acidic, yes, really acidic, no. Here’s some information from a university agriculture paper.
      “The soil reaction, or measure of acidity or alkalinity, is based on a scale of 1 to 14 and is referred to as pH. A pH of 7.0 is neutral. Any values below 7.0 are acid, and any values above 7.0 are alkaline.

      The ideal pH values for vegetable garden soils are 6.0 to 6.5. Vegetable plants do not grow well in acid soils with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 or in alkaline soils with a pH above 7.5. Soil testing is the only way to know the pH of your garden soil. ”

      Hope that helps. Thanks for asking. I always learn something new when people ask questions.

  117. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. Come by my blog for the details!


  118. I have no idea that this plant that growing somewhere is a Mint.We
    seen lots of Mint in our place, it’s just like an ordinary plant.
    i know Mint is herbal plant, i will planting now this in our backyard.

  119. Hi Avis – thank you for the info and inspiration about mint. I am putting some in a pot and bringing into the solarium this morning. Otherwise, I have 3 kinds in the garden, and 2 are fading in the winter. The one that is doing well is a variety I plan to bring for you to identify. Thanks!!! s

  120. Hi Avis,

    I have awarded you the Versatile Blog Award. Please visit to accept it and see the rules. I hope you will do so. Thank You, KL

  121. Thanks for the advice I really had no idea that seedlings needed that many hours of light !

  122. Great blog!


  123. I would like to grow a lot of mint – my plants currently are under a myrtle tree and having a winter hiatus. I think they are peppermint. I bought a spearmint plant at the nursery, and I have to keep it under row cover because it was being eaten. It is spreading, but I can’t harvest any of it. Any ideas for having enough for year round picking?

    • Dear Sadja, You’re the first person I’ve met who doesn’t have enough mint. Usually once planted, it takes over the garden. Hmmm, what to do. Have you tried putting mint in a pot and keeping it near the house? Warmth in the winter should keep it growing. Be careful of planting too much mint in your garden, because once it starts, you’ll be pulling it out forever. I’ll bring you some on Wednesday, as I have lots. Avis

  124. Avis, this is beyond helpful! You have surpassed Sunset Magazine with your blogs and images. I’m making many of the mistakes you listed above and will be starting over in the garden this weekend with my beets.
    Thanks so much!

  125. Thank you! This is helpful.

  126. I love this fruit i grew up eating it off the bushes that we had in our drive way, as a kid me and my sister ate this all the time. i just didn’t know what it was called. now that i found the name of this fruit im going grow me some.

  127. This was a good one. Okay, now I can’t wait for the spring/summer to come. What is winter doing here!!?? That strawberry bush seriously looks lovely, but why does it have a fence? They don’t climb, do they? If I didn’t have dogs, I was going to mow away all the grass and replace it with strawberry plants. Then, it was going to be heavenly like a fairy tale – walk around in the garden, stoop, pick and eat :-).

    • Well, you hit the nail on the head. Where my strawberries are now, used to be the lawn. I sheet mulched the lawn (check out sheet mulch post), and planted strawberries,raspberries and more. It is like a fairy tale. We harvest bowls and bowls of strawberries, where once I had to mow the lawn.
      The little fence, believe it or not, is to keep out my 70 lb lab/retriever dog. He used to walk into the strawberries and do his doggy do there. With the little fence he just stopped walking through and went around. That’s why I said about dogs, it just depends on their nature, whether they jump over or walk around obstacles.

  128. Is this your strawberry patch? They look wonderful! We’re still learning how to properly care for the Ozark Beauties we planted 2 1/2 years ago. So far we’ve lost nearly half. Can you offer suggestions on how to help them multiply? Thanks!

  129. yes, that was helpful. Can you please one day do some writing on small fruit plants (for small garden). Thank You.

  130. This has been very informative as I am trying to think how to create raised bed or use them or just use some small fence so that my dogs do not get over the raised bed. A question: you told that creating a stone raised bed might take time. Now, while creating a raised bed using stones, I just have to make sure that they are properly stacked, right? I don’t have to use cement or anything in between the stones to hold them together? Thanks.

    • It depends on your dog. Some dogs just need to be redirected around the beds and a 12 inch wall will do the trick. But some dogs jump over the walls. I put a simple bamboo fence around my strawberry beds and the dog stayed away.I have post on dogs and cats in the garden. If the wall is 2 ft or more high you would need to use mortar unless they are very square stones. Hope that helps.

  131. You have really some fascinating articles. I come everyday to read them. Thank you for them.

  132. I have what I know is a guava… and based on your photo of the flower, is probably a pineapple guava tree. Someone gave it to me, maybe 2 years ago. It is pruned as a tree with about a 3 foot trunk, about 5 feet tall overall, not including the huge pot it is in, that dries out easily. It has never set fruit…. It also seems infected with scale, so was going to get rid of it… but now your description makes it seem worth saving….
    SO…. SHOULD I TRY to save it? I have a VERY SMALL GARDEN in Zone 9-10 coastal cool CA fog land… will it fruit here? Is it worth putting in the ground & taking up valuable space in my tiny yard? How large do they get? Do they taste like the pink guavas in Hawaii?

    • Well, you have some interesting questions about your Pineapple Guava. First of all, guavas take a few years before they start producing fruit, so that could be one problem. Second of all, plants in pots often don’t get enough nutrition to thrive. They have limited root space AND pots dry out fast, as you noticed. Clay pots and wooden planters dry out faster then sealed pots. Scale can be a problem. I would spray it with Safer Soap Insecticidal solution. It is completely organic and effective. As to the size of your yard: Guavas can get big and will overwhelm a small yard, but they can also be pruned. You could send me a photo of your yard and I could give you a better answer. It is a great plant, but possibly not exactly right for you. I don’t know about the pink guavas in Hawaii. Hope this helps. Let me know what you decide to do.

  133. You can look at any picture, but until you actually see it, it is so breath taking. Great thought and will for sure share your site. Thanks for the info.

  134. I love that you used knives for seed labels. I have a buncha wooden knives (that will work better as seed labels than as knives) that I will use when I get my seeds started in Feb. I thought it was such an original idea! Doh.

    • Hi Amy, I forgot to mention in the post that I had them hanging around the kitchen. If you use a grease pen, then you can erase the label and use them over and over. I also use old herb containers for storing seed. Let me know what fun things you’ve found to reuse in the garden.

  135. Can they be grown in large pots? In that way, there are no risks of any runners.

    • You can grow raspberries in pots, but unless you grow a lot of pots, you won’t get very many raspberry fruits. I’d say you would need 15 gallon size pots, and probably 5 of them to get several quarts of raspberries. Do you have room?

  136. I love arctic Kiwis. They are so sweet. Unfortunately I can’t grow them as my garden is small.

  137. I have two Pineapple guava tree/bush, in Fremont, Ca. (12+ yrs), the fruit is so good and I share them with my family, chuch and co-workers, they all enjoy them as well. I cut the tip off and use a grapefruit spoon to dig out the yummy fruit!!!

    Enjoy yours, when the fruit drops to the ground, it’s ready to eat. Only thing is I get home late and out looking for fruit with a flashlight everynite in the Oct.-Nov. months. Can’t wait to try the flowers. Silly me only just found out mine produced fruit this last year.

    • You’re right about them falling to the ground when ripe. I’ll add that to the post. When my kids were young, they happily crawled around on the ground to pick up the guavas. Now they’re grown and it’s up to me. Glad you discovered them.

  138. I’ve just shared this post on Facebook and tweeter, and +1.

    Thanks again for a great post!


  139. Excellent article in every aspect! Well detailed and loaded with useful information. I like the idea of 1/2 inch wire mesh in the bed to keep the gofers out. But not just that, the design is beautiful and very practical. And yes, a careful and thoughtful planning goes a long way. Thanks for a wonderful post.


  140. […] I talked about the steps involved in making a landscape plan.  Today I want to share with you a small front yard garden that used […]

  141. Oh man, I wish we could grow pineapple guava in Missouri! Can it grow in a container?

    • Pineapple guavas get pretty big, but I don’t see why you couldn’t try it in a container. You can grow figs in a container with no problem. The main question is where are you going to put it in the winter? South side of a house is the best choice. Good luck. It’s always worth a try. Remember, it takes a few years for the plant to start producing, but it’s still a beautiful shrub during that time.

  142. When we bought our little house in Oakland, it came with a ten foot tall lemon verbena bush. We’ve made ice cream with it, which is lovely.

    • Lemon Verbena is so great. For Christmas dessert I made an apple betty using an infusion of lemon verbena, rose geranium, mint, lavender, lemon and rose water. It’s simply unending how many good things we can make to eat from our little herbs. Thanks for reading my blog.

  143. These grow, totally untended where I work in North Berkeley. I’m shameless about foraging them, since they fall on the ground when ripe.

    • It’s great you found the Pineapple Guavas What a shame for them to go to waste. I first found out about them 30 years ago when my parents grew one in their backyard. My kids would scramble around on the ground gathering them up and eating them by the dozens. They never could understand why none of their friends knew what a guava was. Merry Christmas.

  144. I like to grow herbs of any kind, but as you said, the winter Savory is easy to grow, and it’s a wonderful herb. I mostly grow herbs in containers, and occasionally in a raised bed. I intend to try my hand again this coming spring. Edible landscaping is the way to go!

    Thanks for your well written article.


  145. I seem to have several volunteer blue berries in my yard – they look just like the one I purchased, but they don’t have the same flavor. If I let them grow, will they get better?

    • Hi Gayle, You don’t say where you live, but some states have native blueberries. Perhaps this is what is happening in your yard. Also, blueberries can spread underground and send up new shoots where there will be new plants. If the soil has not been amended it is possible that this is affecting the flavor of your blueberries. Another possibility is that the plants are young. It takes a few years for shrubs to produce a crop of good berries. You can use a fertilizer for acid loving plants. Garden’s Alive sells organic fertilizers that work well. I hope this helps. Avis

  146. I am fond of gardening and this is my good luck that I found your site; I read all your posts and I am very excited to read new posts from you. It will be very useful to me.

  147. Here is Mike again,

    I just wanted to let you know that I’ve just Tweeted, liked it, and shared your Article on my Face Book and I clicked it on +1.

    Thanks once again for a well written article.


  148. Hi Avis,

    What a wonderful website! The edible landscaping has become so fascinating for many gardeners, who found so many benefits by growing food producing plants, instead of just ornamental. The commercial strawberry growers are sprinkling the field with water before a hard freezing, to protect the crops. The water is freezing making a layer of ice on the plants, thus protecting the plants from damage.

    I love your well written article, with rich content and detailed information. Excellent advice. I enjoyed the reading.

    Thanks Avis,


  149. I have lemon verbena and haven’t used it often. Your post reminds me to use it. I will start adding it to my tea, and the tip to use it for lemon zest is a good one!

  150. Dear Avis:

    Y read about you and I want to tell you my admiration. I live in Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. In my country the public opinion is not yet aware about the importance of organic food and organic gardens. And unfortunately so, we have not here such a variety of plants as you do in the States. Nevertheless I wish I could start an organic and edible garden.

    I enjoy your blog (I heard from Care2Pages). Perhaps I should try to find a place in the states that has a similar climate than our and then start with the seeds recommended for it.

    Thank you for your comittment to make a kind of join venture from health an beauty.

    Rocio, amdg

  151. Thank you Avis for this wonderful artical on blueberries.
    I love the tiny little blueberries. I buy them frozen from Trader Joes. I live in Orange County California. Will these grow where I live and where do I get the itty bitty blue berry plant?

    • Hi Kim, Thanks for your comment. Yes you can grow a variety called Southern Highbush Blueberry. It is for low chill climates like yours. The variety Reveille and Southmoon will probably work well. You can find them at Dave Wilson Nursery. There other varieties as well and a lot of good planting information at this site: You might consider planting them in containers where you can control the soil acidity better. Good Luck! Let me know how it goes for you. Avis

  152. Will this get rid of crabgrass too?

    Also, what is the best way to weed? (pick out each one including the roots, cut off the root with a standing tool or use round up every week for a while/ Is there a down side to using round up (cancer)?


    • Hi Gretchen, Yours is a really good question. Crabgrass is really hard to get rid of. I also had crabgrass in my lawn. It is important to make sure you overlap your cardboard, even putting several layers of cardboard and thick mulch. The longer it goes without getting sunlight, the harder it is for the crabgrass to get through. When it does, be sure to dig in deeply to get the roots out. The faster you catch it, the easier it is to get rid of. I never use round up. It is a dangerous chemical and not worth the risk, in my point of view.

  153. Love your website..

  154. I like your blog! That’s the reason I’m coming back. Great article with good advice, right to the point. This is indeed the best time to plant trees and shrubs, to give the plants plenty time to get established for the next season.

    Thanks for your great article.


  155. Archimboldo eat your heart out!

  156. […] The food is easy to store and keeps its nutritive value. Check out these recipes in my blog for the best applesauce and apple crisp. : Recipes : apples, butternut squash, freezing for […]

  157. Gardening is a wonderful thing! I can’t think of a better way to enjoy nature at its fullest, than to get my hands dirty and tend to my garden and landscape.

    I enjoyed reading this short but excellent article, and I intend to come back for some more.

    Your blog as a whole is just beautiful!



    • Hi Mike,

      Thanks for your comment. I hope to help and inspire people by making gardening understandable and accessible. Here’s to dirty finger nails!

  158. […] Planting in the Winter – For your Edible Landscape | Edible … Many plants can be put in, in the winter for your edible landscape. Fruit trees and shrubs, hardy vegetables can be planted in mild winter climates. Source: […]

  159. Good idea for those who are passionate about gardening and planting as long as they can. If I may add, that landscaping specialists also know which items to plant in your communities. It never hurts to ask your neighbors for a referral or look on the internet to see who has good reviews and knows what they are talking about.

  160. Please keep up the great work. I would recommend this blog to anyone!

  161. Tried it – addictive!

  162. That sounds delicious. We had so many apples this year that we decided to make juice out of them. Thanks to the mobile apple press it was no work, just fun as you see here:
    Greetings from Cologne and the little garden of horror

  163. […] of the easiest edibles to produce in your own home garden is a drinkable.  Herbal teas are easy to grow, delicious and good for you. One can always buy dried tea at the store, but fresh herb tea is […]

  164. Just right now I am groaning under an avalanche of garden books but there is always just one more……..

  165. Love your blog and website. Going to get some Fava beans tomorrow

  166. Loved reading your blog. A garden is such a “living” organism. It’s fun to nurture it!

  167. I love your blog! Where do I get Fava beans?

    • Thanks Kathy for sharing the link. You can get fava beans in bulk at Green Jeans Nursery in Mill Valley. According to my sources, a few people have an enzyme deficiency to the beans and can’t eat them. Otherwise all fava beans are edible.

  168. […] are many varieties of garlic to cho0se from. Look in some of these catalogs. My friend Robert Kourik has written a great article on garlic that goes into more detail on […]

  169. Wow, that is a steep hill! I’ll be interested to read your hillside erosion control, as my yard is set on a hill but we really don’t want to put in a retaining wall..

    • I wish I had a picture of the hill when it first came down. It was a huge pile of mud at the bottom. I believe that diverting water in different ways helps to hold hillsides. Tomorrow you’ll see photos of steep hills with very small retaining walls, and they really work.

  170. […] to do. Physical barriers, like netting, row coversand fencing are helpful in some areas. But it can be a lot of work to put them up.  I […]

  171. Explore an ultimate fresh quality resource of organic heirloom, open pollinated, non hybrid & non gmo seeds with full customer satisfaction guarantee at unbeatable prices. Order Now!

  172. What a beautiful websight!
    I look forward to sharing it as it will be an inspiration for all.
    Also, our Fava Beans just came in…. you missed them by about twenty minutes.

    • Thanks for the compliment. I would love it if you shared it. The seed is already sown on the hillside. I’ll be writing a post soon on erosion control and seeding. It is great you carry seed in bulk. Avis

  173. Hi Avis,

    We’ve met before, I’m a surf kayaker and have competed with your sons, I actually stayed at your wonderful home many years ago. My wife and I just bought a house here in southern California, and one of our goals is to make it as earth friendly as possible, and one of the things I’d like to do is start composting. Do you know of a good “primer” for composting? Like what to put in, what not too, etc? I’m going to be doing a lot of pruning back overgrown bushes, can I add too much woody material? Do I need to add worms? Those are the kind of questions I currently have.


    • Hi Geoff, Thanks for reading the blog! Composting can be really simple if you follow a few basic rules. Keep the wet, which has a lot of nitrogen in it (like kitchen waste and greens from the garden) to dry which has a lot of carbon in it (like dry leaves, dry clippings, sawdust) ratio about 10 :1. Or more simply, more dry than wet and see how it goes. If it gets too soggy, then add some dry stuff. If it just sits there doing nothing, add some more wet garbage. A good primer for compost is a little manure if you have a horse stable nearby. Or even some good topsoil which has microbes and worms already in it. You can add too much woody material, which slows the process down, but it all eventually breaks down. I like to say, “Life composts!” Hopes this helps. There are lots of sites on the web that give more complicated and exact ratios, but I find them discouraging, feeling like I’ll never get it just right. So my philosophy is, Throw it on the pile.

  174. […] from: Welcome to the world of Edible Landscaping | Edible Landscaping … Posted in Landscaping Tags: and-beautiful-, are-ready, based-on-the, been-doing, garden design, […]

  175. […] more here: Tools You'll Need for the Fall Garden | Edible Landscaping Made Easy Posted in Landscaping Tags: clippers-and, fall, for-the, important-tools « 5 Garden […]

  176. […] this link: Right Plant, Right Place, Right Time – Edible Landscaping Made Easy Posted in Landscaping Tags: aesthetic-and, also-need, both-for, garden, growing-needs-, […]

  177. […] Prepare for your Fall Edible Landscape | Edible Landscaping Made … Posted in Landscaping Tags: for-winter-, garden, garden-ready, getting-the, getting-the-garden […]

  178. I have a steep shaded hillside in front of my house that constitutes a rather barren view from our front window. Avis designed a shade garden for this area with a winding path (made of benderboard with fine bark mulch to fill in). The transformation is breathtaking. It hasn’t even been planted yet, but the winding path along with some stone retaining walls for planting beds has transformed an uninteresting view to an inviting one.
    I’m a believer – a well designed path leads your eye and beckons you into the garden. The bonus on this one is it was created with inexpensive materials but is still quite beautiful.

  179. I love my apples too–I grafted several varieties onto a mature apple tree many years ago, and while most of the tree is Winter Banana, there are also branches that bear Calville Blanc d’Hiver, and two very round green/red varieties that may be the same thing, but maybe not–and whose names I lost long ago! I make apple sauce and apple juice out of many of them, but used to also pack a good many away and eat them over the fall as fresh apples. Not so much lately as I seem to have more scab and a critter who is not a codling moth, whose damage is not noticeable at harvest or if one uses the apples quickly, but turns the inside into many thin tunnels if left to sit.
    I use dormant oil spray, place codling moth pheremone traps and apple maggot traps, rake up leaves in the fall, thin the apples when they are the size of walnuts, and don’t leave fallen apples on the ground. Anything else I could do??

  180. Terrific site, Avis. You have so much great information here! I love that box of herbs (naturally) and I cannot belive that mound of gourds. How tall was it?

    • The mound of gourds was about 10 feet tall and made of 100’s of gourds. It was amazing. There were many, many growers there, all enthusiastic about the future of gardening. Let’s keep up the good work!

  181. Hi Avis, nice blog. I enjoyed the photos and advice. I have some nice little seedlings germinating in my greenhouse right now if you want to take a few pics. I should do a blog but I hate sitting at the computer. Mine would combine cooking, gardening and health advice. I love to cook, which brings me to the subject of dinner. Are you guys just busy all the time or do you have an evening when we could have dinner at our house in Woodace, just minutes from your house. How giving us some dates and we can nail it?
    Christin Anderson

  182. Love the blog Avis! Congrats!
    I forwarded the link to some friends!

    xoxo, leigh

  183. Your garden looks beautiful! We have several schools starting the edible landscape project this fall from Thanks again for introducing this project. I will share your website as a excellent resource to help them get started on planting choices.
    Keep it growing!

  184. […] cherry tomatoes and Persian cucumbers are also incredibly flavorful.  See what I have to say about edible flowers in another […]

  185. […] article: Welcome to Edible Landscaping Made Easy! Posted in Landscaping Tags: been-doing, been-gardening, best, combining-the, […]

  186. […] more here: Great Gardening Books | Edible Landscaping Made Easy Posted in Landscaping Tags: a-resource-directory-, a-western-plant, and-difficult, complete, […]

  187. Avis does divine gardens that taste good too.

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