I hope to leave my little plot of ground better than when I found it. Healthier, more abundant, more beautiful. If you love to garden, and want to learn more, then each of you can do this in your own way and in your own time. I love sharing the information I’ve gathered over the past 40 years, from my teachers, my mistakes and most of all from the garden itself.

Food from the garden is flowing in at the end of summer. We are all so grateful. It tastes so good and there’s plenty to share.
Here comes the squash, heading into the house…
One of my other passions is playing music. I’m lucky to have found a group of musicians of similar inclination that get together weekly. Our motley crew plays for community gatherings, at farmer’s markets, weddings, wakes and at our local saloon. Celtic music and traditional American tunes are what we mostly play. Hoping to get the feet dancing and the smiles beaming, we love to share our tunes.
Here’s what I was doing on Labor Day, playing music at a street festival in Bolinas, California. (I’m the one in the middle playing the mandolin.)
Silver Anniversary Jig – This link will let you listen to a tune I wrote for my husband in honor of our 25th wedding anniversary. It’s being played by the wonderful Rodney and Elvie Miller, a father – daughter duo. I hope you enjoy it.
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